Friday, 19 December 2014

That time of year.....

Christmas is not just a time for hustle and bustle it is a time to reflect on the entire year. How quickly 12 months pass when looking back. When we look ahead, it feels like it will take forever to see spring? Not so.

I am personally, ever so grateful for the my past year. I have grown personally and professionally and look forward to seeing what 
                          brings my way!

This holiday season I am looking forward to having some outdoor fun with my family and friends and 

I want to wish all of you a truly blessed Christmas Season & an exciting New Year!!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Fall in the Peace Country

YES, Fall is one of the most beautiful seasons in the Peace Country. The one thing newcomers quickly discover is that we definetly have true 4 seasons. Of course the colors in the fall are gorgeous everywhere, but what I also note is that it is a "down time" for many people. The hectic summer has passed, the air is crisp in the morning and then warmer in the afternoon, the sun goes down a little earlier so you tend to relax more in the evenings. The moon is usually spectacular as you can't beat a "Harvest Moon"!!

 I even notice that the animals seem a little lazier, maybe everyone is getting ready for the next season ahead of us?.....yes...yes winter!

Did I forget to mention it is my favorite time of year to ride!
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Monday, 8 September 2014

It's September.......

The Sugar Loafs over look the Murray River and we are going to ride to the top!
We made it!
It's fun to have a goal and achieve it. My horse Desi is a registered Quarter Horse mare and has had a very lazy summer as I took advantage of our extreme weather and commuted to work while camping near by.
So about 3 weeks ago I decided if we were going to join in on the ride up the Sugar Loafs? we had some work to do. It was called the diet pen and an exercise routine which we both benefitted from.
We had an exceptional day with beautiful weather. Mother Nature was at her finest....
and then played another trick on us Sunday morning.
I love this country we live in.
Happy September!
September can be a busy month for Real Estate
Please visit my website


Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Well there is one thing we know for sure in the Dawson Creek, Peace never know when Mother Nature may play a prank and surprise us all. It usually doesn't last long, but long enough to remind us that "we" are not in control. lol. In our family we try to take pictures of each month and different activities we do,then we make a calendar at the end of the year, for the following year. This way it reminds us of what we did the year before and with whom. It is really quite funny to see what takes place to "make the calendar". Needless to say, the June 2015 page will show the snow angel photo. The snow arrived about 7:30 am and was gone by 1:30 pm...only 6 hours. We still have an entire day to enjoy. (and to maybe shake our heads to ensure we didn't just imagine the morning?)
Be sure to visit my website
                                    Happy June 2014 Everyone.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Spring Thinking....

The way I look at it is......If we all are Thinking Spring and have visions of pussy willows popping out in the ditches, they will.
I have noticed over the years that people really do watch in anticipation as it means spring is just around the corner. It is always an exciting time of year as everything is new and fresh and everyone is getting geared up for a busy spring/summer. So the good news is that today I was out in a rural area doing a market evaluation and I did SEE PUSSY WILLOWS! Now I'm excited.......
"Happy Spring Everyone"

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Monday, 24 March 2014

Slopes for Hope Ski-a-Thon

"Slopes for Hope" an "Everest-Style" ski-a-thon in which individuals or teams attempt to ski or board the vertical of Mount Everest in one day
 A few months ago I heard about this event?? So I entered a team online, rounded up a few of my nephews and headed to Powder King Ski Resort about 2 hours away. We began our fundraising efforts ahead of time using the online donation system and the old fashioned start with your family and move outwards to your friends, neighbors & co-workers. Much to our surprise we raised $1615.00!!! All funds raised went to the Canadian Cancer Society. We were awarded the "Highest Fundraising Team". This is a great event and something the entire family (all ages) can participate in. The youngest  participant was 2.5 yrs old the oldest 66 yrs of age. This was the first event of this type ever held in our area and it looks like it will be an annual event!! So get ready for March 2015! On our travels home all we could talk about was doing it again next year!!!  A "Family Day" for a Cause.

Friday, 31 January 2014

Winter in Dawson Creek

Being born and raised right here in good ole Dawson Creek , I have come to love all seasons. Winter means lots of sunshine and white sparkling snow. Well..Yes the odd Blizzard has to make it's way thru but those are the days I get everything done on my procrastination list and then have friends/family in for a comfort type meal. I always say if you are going to live in the is all about the "gear". If you are dressed for the temperature? you will enjoy the day. I'm an outdoors "type of Gal" so skiing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, horse chores and SHOVELLING are among my winter activities. I can hardly believe January is almost gone....February is a great month to get outside as the days are getting a little longer and we know that March is around the corner. So tonight is Friday night!! and our local Ski Club (5 min out of town on the prestigious Bear Mountain) offers night skiing 6-10:00 pm and "steak night". Parents can take their kids to the hill, go upstairs and dine in the chalet. Even if you don't ski or have kids that ski? EVERYONE IS WELCOME! I think it is a mixture of the friendly atmosphere, good food, watching the skiers come down the hill and the view of the City Lights that makes this a great way to spend a "Wintery Friday Night" in Dawson Creek.